Recognized unit that produces outstanding graduates through dedicateddelivery of instructions with a union of competent educators.
Instruction unit is a recognized provider of excellent learning opportunities that will nurture the learners’ global skills to keep them abreast with the challenging demands of globalization and moral uprightness.
Contact Information
Tel#: 437-9505 to 9508 Local No. 207
The Office of the Director for Instructions is a unit that functions in line with the Office of the Vice President for Academics Affairs. The Director for Instructions ensures the delivery of quality and relevant education through careful planning, directing and coordinating with all the department chairpersons and unit coordinators to uphold the vision of the university in producing globally competitive graduates that possess moral uprightness.
Functions and Responsibilities
Director for Instructions
1. Provide leadership and direction in all academic programs of the campus related to curriculum and instruction;
2. Supervision the daily activities of the different academic units of the campus;
3. Formulate, recommend, and implement academic policies, guidelines and regulations;
4. Spearhead the periodic conduct of curriculum review;
5. Coordinate the research and extension loads of the faculty members with the concerned unit; and
6. Perform other functions as maybe assigned by higher authorities.
Department Chairpersons
1. Supervise the daily operation of the department;
2. Formulate the Strategic/Development Plan of the Department;
3. Take charge in planning, development and promotion of their respective curricular programs;
4. Prepare the Annual Procurement Plan and Laboratory Equipment Procurement;
5. Recommend and implement the Faculty Development Plan of the Department;
6. Monitor the performance of faculty, students, and graduates of their Department;
7. Take charge in the maintenance of existing facilities of their respective Department;
8. Spearhead the periodic conduct of curriculum review and propose revision if necessary;
9. Propose new curricular programs to be offered by their respective units;
10. Submit the list of courses to be offered by the Department before the start of every semester (after the midterm of the present semester);
11. Prepare faculty workload, faculty analysis and room utilization analysis every semester;
12. Recommend the assignment of academic advisers, thesis advisers, technical critic and other assignments of the faculty members in their respective Department;
13. Recommend hiring of faculty members of the Department;
14. Coordinate the academic programs, projects and activities of the Department;
15. Inculcate moral values to their faculty and students; and
16. Perform other functions as maybe assigned by higher authorities;
OJT Coordinators
1. Assist OJT trainees in looking for private and/or government agencies/firms where the students can undergo OJT;
2. Assist the Campus/College OJT Coordinator in facilitating the documents needed by the trainees;
3. Assist the student trainees in coordination with the Campus OJT Coordinator and the OJT Center in preparing the program of activities or work schedules of the trainees;
4. Conduct regular visits to student-trainees while on training;
5. In coordination with the Campus OJT Coordinator;
6. Assist the trainees in the preparation of the narrative report; and
7. Submit the list of trainees and other pertinent reports to the Campus OJT Coordinator.
Student-Teaching Coordinator
1. Assists student-teachers in looking for private and/or government schools where they can have their internship;
2. Assists the student-teachers in facilitating the documents needed by the trainees;
3. Coordinated with the Campus Director for Instructions, conduct regular visits to student-teachers
4. Assists the student-teachers in the preparation of the student-teaching portfolio; and
5. Submits the list of student-teachers and other pertinent reports to the Instruction office.
Campus Librarian
The Campus Librarian reports directly to the Director of Instructions, coordinates with the Library Advisory Committee, Office of the Registrar and to the Head of the University Library. She supervises the overall operation of the Library.
The Campus Librarian has the following duties and responsibilities;
1. Prepare/recommend plans, programs, and projects for the development of the CvSU – CCAT Campus Library;
2. Prepare and recommend budget proposals for books and other library materials including furniture and equipment;
3. Develop and update the library collection by continuously acquiring recent published books and subscribing up-to-date periodicals as well as needed non-print and other library materials;
4. Establish/formulate policies and procedures in rendering and disseminating of information to all library users;
5. Supervise and control the operation, administration and management of the CvSU – CCAT Campus Library;
6. Conduct library orientation to students by curriculum/specialization in coordination with the Director of the Office of Students Affairs and Services;
7. Prepare and submit annual report and other accomplishment of the library;
8. Maintain and monitor record of all books and other library materials;
9. Supervise and evaluate the performance of all library staff and student.
10. Establish linkages and out-sourcing of books and other library materials to various individuals or agencies which are possible sources of information for the development and improvement of the library;
11. Ensure safety and security of all the library collections including furniture and equipment;
12. Catalog/classify books and other library materials;
13. Conduct and participate in research studies toward the upgrading of the programs and services of the CvSU-CCAT Campus Library;
14. Act as Secretary of the Library Advisory Board; and
15. Perform other functions and tasks as may be assigned from time to time.
TESDA Coordinator
1. Manage the operation of the TESDA office;
2. Plan the utilization of the TESDA office resources;
3. Coordinate the plans and process documents of Cavite State University CCAT Campus regarding National Certificate Assessments of the Students and Faculty members in the nearest Provincial Training Center;
4. Spearhead the promotion and advocacy of Technical and Vocational Education and Trainings (TVET); and
5. Development programs, projects, and system related to TVET / TESDA programs.